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Ben Marlor Thumbnail

Ben Marlor


P: (860) 783-5417  
C: (860) 916-8150


As a Financial Advisor, Ben’s mission is to assist individuals, families and business owners in defining their financial goals and achieving financial freedom. He is trained and licensed to provide financial solutions to his clients. Ben’s focus is to become a lifelong resource to clients and is dedicated to assisting them through the various stages of their financial lives. At Wolff Financial Group, Ben is able to utilize the team approach and draw upon the wealth of knowledge of his associates to create custom designed financial solutions for his clients. He works with business owners, individuals, and families in assisting them with their insurance needs, retirement, and business planning. The areas of focus include business succession, wealth management, retirement planning as well as, life, disability and long-term care insurance.

Ben holds a bachelor’s in finance from Bentley University. He has six years of experience in finance and investing through prior roles on the internal audit team at Nasdaq and as an internal wholesaler at BlackRock. 

Ben lives in New Haven, Connecticut, with his girlfriend Lacey. He is an avid football fan and golfer. He is also an active member of his community and has worked with a number of foundations, most frequently with the Special Olympics.